This weekend, UK grime artist Lethal Bizzle hinted to his fans, nicknamed the Rari Gang, that they should add him on music messaging app PingTune ( to hear the world's first leak of his new track '#RariWorkOut'.
Lethal Bizzle posted the update to his SnapChat channel 'denchchat', stirring anticipation amongst fans, with one follower saying "This has got to be Rari Workout! Gonna be DENCH!".
The long-awaited single is born out of one of the artist's posts on SnapChat, where he fist pumps in his Ferrari to music, spawning an internet meme of fans imitating the '#RariWorkOut' and posting selfies in #RariWorkOut vests from Bizzle's DENCH clothing brand. This internet meme has already seen over 1,500 'Rari Workouts' being posted to Twitter, and a YouTube search yields over 2,000 results from fans.
In a world exclusive, a section of the new single was leaked yesterday (July 14th) on PingTune, a private music messaging app based in East London like the grime artist. Users added @lethalbizzle to receive the content, and further clips are rumoured to be released in the coming days. The first clip was watched over 21,000 times in the first 10 minutes following release, and both Lethal Bizzle's and PingTune's Twitter feeds exploding with activity.
The controversial musician, real name Maxwell Ansah, has garnered a reputation online and on SnapChat, and around a quarter of a million Twitter followers, with his updates of life on tour, posting videos of everything from Dench parties across Europe to lingerie models cleaning his properties in London.
PingTune is available to download free for iOS and Android. Add @lethalbizzle on PingTune to receive the leak of his new track Rari Workout.