Nicki Minaj is still doing her talk show rounds. Last night she hit the "Chelsea Lately" show and chatted with Chelsea about her *ss, her alter egos, relationships and more.
Video: Nicki Minaj on "Chelsea Lately"
"I like to, umm, well... I like for the boy to take control when we are... When you're with a boy I want to feel like you can be the boss if you want to be, but you just let me be the boss in public," Nicki said when talking about being an assertive female in business but being more submissive in relationships.
Sidenote: Nicki is very animated and makes a lot of facial expressions, so, sometimes I can't tell if she's annoyed at some of the things she's asked or if she's just embarrassed and the facial stuff is just a defensive reaction. What do you think? Leave your comments below.