The one-time Genesis frontman and world-famous drummer said the only things that stopped him from committing suicide were his children.
In an interview with Rolling Stone, he said: 'I wouldn't blow my head off. I'd overdose or do something that didn't hurt. But I wouldn't do that to the children.'
'A comedian who committed suicide in the '60s left a note saying, 'Too many things went wrong too often'. I often think about that.'
Collins, who won seven Grammys and an Oscar for his song You’ll Be in My Heart from the 1999 Disney film Tarzan, admitted that he has had enough of being famous.
The 59-year-old explained: 'I sometimes think I'm going to write this Phil Collins character out of the story. Phil Collins will just disappear or be murdered in some hotel bedroom, and people will say, 'What happened to Phil?' And the answer will be, 'He got murdered, but, yeah, anyway, let's carry on.' That kind of thing.'