The Last Shadow Puppets dropped by Xfm yesterday to go through their debut album with John Kennedy and revealed plans for the next single.
The super duo - Arctic Monkey's Alex Turner and The Rascals' Miles Kane - sat down with John Kennedy to listen to their entire debut album 'The Age Of Understatement' and talk him through it track-by-track.
Revealing that the second song on the album 'Standing Next To Me' will be the next single to be released Alex Turner told John, "This was a song that Miles had for a bit."
"It was one of the first ones I played Al", Miles interjected "and he just said he really like it", laughingly adding, "Al added a D minor on the second chorus to give it an extra lift."
"It's gonna be the next single", added Alex, "we're supposed to go and film the video this afternoon but we've already done some in Madrid and now it's raining here [laughs]. It's gonna be a mad video...maybe we'll get umbrellas in it."
As to what actually brought them together?:
"Bread and crumpets", Alex and Miles both told John, "then music came later on. It wasn't even about the rider [when their two respecive bands toured together].
"I suppose it was [discussing how they both liked their crumpets in the morning]. That was when the friendship really started to set in the mould.
Listen to Music: Response from 7pm to win copies of the album then tune in to hear rest of that interview with John Kennedy on X-posure from 10pm tonight and check back tomorrow when the full track-by-track interview with be on