WILL YOUNG has been lined up as a panellist on Question Time.
The singer will appear on the BBC's political debate show in February alongside politicians and journalists.
Young, 29, was invited on the show after he revealed to Radio 5 Live DJ Simon Mayo in October that he was a big fan.
Editor Gill Penlington then asked him to be one of the panellists, who answer questions about current political issues from a live public audience.
Ms Penlington said: "We are absolutely thrilled to have Will as a panellist.
"He knows his stuff politically and it will be fascinating to hear him taking on the politicians about the big issues the day."
Young, who has a degree in politics from Exeter University, said: "As an avid viewer of Question Time being in the hot seat is something I've always wanted to do.
"As the day gets closer rest assured I'll be swotting up on the hot topics."
Production company Mentorn Media said the show, on 5 February, will come from Dunstable, and will be chaired by David Dimbleby. Other guests will be confirmed in the New Year.