With one celebratory tweet from Wiz Khalifa, he and Amber Rose set the Internet ablaze Thursday (February 21) night with the announcement of their baby boy Sebastian Taylor Thomaz. Fans took to Twitter and MTV News to share their love, while celebrities had their words of congratulations too. Russell Simmons, Chevy Woods, Tamar Braxton and even Larry King (...?) were excited about the arrival of newest member of the Taylor Gang.
Wiz started it all with "Happy Birthday Sebastian "The Bash" Taylor Thomaz!!!" he tweeted. "Everyone welcome this perfect young man into the world." Congratulations ensued from fans and musician friends, followed by the opinions of the masses.
"Seriously having a moment even though I ain't with Wiz. I'm feeling emotional about WIz & Amber. He is a great man. True to his work & woman," Wiz's right-hand DJ Bonics posted.
Some of Wiz's collaborators sent well-wishes his way, with Cash Lewis tweeting "Congrats G! Happy for you." and Chevy Woods writing, "Congrats Daddy Leaf and momma Rose can't wait to see the lil man Bash!!" Berner in too: "Hella excited for wiz & amber ... Can't wait to meet Lil bash ...."
Wiz shares his favorite thing about Sebastian!
Fans piped up, but mostly about the kid's name, and they joked about Sebastian's hereditary love for Wiz's favorite herb. #TheBash became a new hashtag, and baby Wizbud's name became a trending topic.
"Thanks God Wiz and Amber named their child something normal and classy," @Chiomaaaa said, with @alexia_michael joking, "Wiz and Amber made out as if their baby would have one miraculous name and then they name it after a crab lols."
But that fan was the only one who was reminded of the Disney movie with the name Sebastian.
"I'm mad Wiz's babys name is Sebastian...first thng I thgt abt was the crab from LittleMermaid ._." @EatItKid wrote.
Some fans demanded pictures of the hours-old baby. "I foreal can't wait to see what Wiz & Ambers baby looks like!" @ShelbyRenfro tweeted.
"This baby picked the right parents... I cant wait to see what kind of super star Sebastian "The Bash" Taylor Thomaz turns into! Congratulations Amber & Wiz!" Tara Lynn wrote on MTV News' site.
Share your congratulations for the new family in the comments!