Wiz Khalifa and fiancé Amber Rose welcomed their first child, a baby boy dubbed Sebastian, into the world on Thursday. And with less than a week under their belts as newbie parents, they might be looking to a more experienced mom for some parental wisdom.
MTV enlisted Snooki to share with them her experiences of being a first-time mom to her son, Lorenzo. "Wiz and Amber are going to be so surprised to find out how much they actually love their baby. Like, yeah, you're going to love your baby a lot, but I never knew how much I would actually love a human being and I'm just obsessed with Lorenzo," she said. "So they are going to be so obsessed with their baby."
Snooki has no doubt that Amber is "going to be a great mom," and if Wiz is wondering how he might be able to help her out, Snooki suggests "watching the baby when Amber wants to get her hair done and get her nails done or even just like put on a nice outfit and do her makeup. That's what I love best when Jionni takes Lorenzo for a little bit so I can get dolled up and just feel pretty 'cause I think that's the best thing for us new moms. We need to feel pretty."
Once prettied up, Snooki would be down to chill with Wiz and Amber. So, what would that double date look like? "I think that if me, Jionni and Lorenzo all hung out with Amber and Wiz and their new baby Sebastian, I think we would just all be hanging in on a Friday night instead of going out and partying," she shared. "Just hanging with our babies and just watching cartoons and just talking about how amazing it is to be parents."