Wiz Khalifa promised that he was working on a "theatrical" set for his MTV Movie Awards performance on Sunday night (June 3), and the Taylor Gang star followed through on his word, bringing a party to the stage, while delivering his hit single"Work Hard, Play Hard."
The Pittsburgh rapper, who has become an international superstar after grinding for the past few years, decided to amp up the "play hard" section of his O.N.I.F.C. track, enlisting a group of party-ready fans to join him onstage. Wiz spit his bars on the mic (which was draped in an American flag) while surrounded by a group of revelers who were busy dancing with Solo cups in hand, against a graffiti'd backdrop.
As usual, Wiz looked calm, cool and on top of his fashion game, sporting a loose, screened white tank with ripped denim and a black fedora to top it off. He strutted his stuff past the party people and down the Movie Awards runway so he could get a little closer to the audience. He got energy levels up, chanting "work hard," "play hard" with some help from the audience, while the cameras cut to his fiancée Amber Rose looking on and to Ciara dancing in her seat, while toilet paper was strewn across the stage.
"My show is evolving and everything that I'm doing, so it's going to be more themed," Wiz told' Sway Calloway after rehearsing at the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City before the show. "It's for the Movie [Awards], so it's going to be more theatrical. ... People are going to see that side of it as well as me performing and giving my energy."
Fans seemed to appreciate his theatrical vision, as they shared reactions on Twitter immediately following the performance. @nicoleporcaro wrote, "I've never witnessed a bad performance by wiz khalifa, ever," while @LickMyTaylors chimed in with: "Wiz Khalifa's performance at the MTVMA#AWESOME."