If he could vote for anything, Jonah Hill would want dogs to pick up his poop with a plastic bag — just to see how they'd like it. That wish is among the ridiculous requests celebrities make in a video released Monday to encourage voter turnout.
Sarah Silverman wants, "gays in the military... exclusively."
Zac Efron would, "vote to keep tigers out of schools." And Selena Gomez vows she would "vote for anything that Zac Efron says."
Ellen requests that "women should have the right to vote," before pausing and looking off-camera and asking, "They do? Okay, well that's good."
She also wants to abolish the two main party colors. "I would not have red and blue states. I would have fuchsia and seafoam — prettier."
After the jokes end, the cast gets serious, reminding voters there's an easy way to have a voice on a lot of important issues and raise awareness on issues including jobs, marriage equality, climate change, foreign policy, immigration, workers' rights, taxes, education.
In addition to emphasizing the importance of voting, the video ends with a call to action, asking people to submit a video (30 seconds or less) describing what's important to them. The best tweets, pictures, and videos will be incorporated into the campaign this month.
MTV News is on the ground in Denver for the first of three presidential debates. As the candidates are doing last minute preparations before tonight, star power may also play an important role in November's outcome, by tapping into the 45 million eligible young voters.
DiCaprio recently told the Associated Press that "we are using the power of social media ... to incite bipartisan conversation around real issues, encourage registration and voting in November." The campaign follows the 2008 campaign "Don't Vote," which led to over 800,000 young people to register — a number they hope to top this year.
Check in for coverage of Wednesday's presidential debate and stick with MTV's Power of 12 throughout the 2012 election season.