Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
Don't hold your breath
You can't touch me now
There's no feeling left
If you think I'm coming back
Don't hold your breath
What you did to me
Boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back
Don't hold your breath
I was under your spell for such a long time,
Couldn't break the chains
You played with my heart,
Tore me apart with all your lies and games
It took all the strength I had
But I crawled up on my feet again
Now you're trying to lure me back
But no, those days are gone, my friend
I loved you so much that I thought someday that you could change
But all you brought me was a heart full of pain
You can't touch me now
There's no feeling left
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
What you did to me
Boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
Don't hold your breath
I was worried about you
But you never cared about me none
You took my money
And I know that you, you could kill someone
I gave you everything
But nothing was ever enough
You were always jealous over such crazy stuff
You can't touch me now
There's no feeling left Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath -
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
What you did to me
Boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
Don't hold your breath
Move on,
Don't look back
I jumped off a train
Running off the tracks
Your days gone,
Face the facts
A bad movie ends
And the screen fades to black
What you did to me
Boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back
(You can't touch me now)
You can't touch me now
There's no feeling left
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
What you did to me
Boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
You can't touch me now
There's no feeling left
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
What you did to me
Boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back,
Don't hold your breath
Nicole Scherzinger - Ne nadaj se (Serbian translation)
(Ne nadaj se)
Ne možeš me dodirnuti sad
Nema vise osećanja
Ako misliš da ću se vratiti
Ne nadaj se
Šta si mi uradio, dečko
Ne mogu zaboraviti
Ako misliš da ću se vratiti
Ne nadaj se
Začarao si me dugo vremena
Nisam mogla pokidati lance
Igrao si se mojim srcem
Iskidao lažima i igrama
Oduzelo mi je svu snagu
Ali sam se uzdigla ponovo
Sada pokušavaš da me namamiš nazad
Ali ne, ti dani su prošli, prijatelju
Toliko sam te volela da sam mislila da nekad
Se možeš promeniti
Ali sve što si mi dao jeNicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath -
Je srce puno bola
Ne nadaj se
Brinula sam o tebi
Ali tebi nikad nije stalo do mene
Uzeo si mi novac i znala sam da ti...
Mogao si ubiti nekoga
Dala sam ti sve
Ali ni to nije bilo dovoljno
Uvek bio si ljubomoran
Zbog nekih ludih stvari
Ne nadaj se
Ne gledaj nazad
Iskočila iz voza
Koji iskočio je iz šina
Tvoji dani su prošli, pomiri se sa tim
Loš film se završava
I ekran postaje crn
Šta si mi uradio, dečko
Ne mogu zaboraviti
Ako misliš da ću se vratiti
(Ne možeš me dodirnuti sad)
(Refren x2)