Nil Karaibrahimgil - Kek
C yumurtay crptm nce
Portakal dilimledim ince ince
Gz karar da biraz st kattm
Kalktm sana kek yaptm
Nsan neler yapar isteyince
Bu bir ey deil dnnce
Ben de tarifi renince
Kalktm sana kek yaptm
Gzlerin dnm kz grnce
Yerli yersiz bakp sana glnce
Ben de tesadf o gece erken yattm
Bana kelek yaptn
Nsan neler yapar isteyince
Bu bir ey deil dnnce
Sen de elektrii hissedince
Kalktn bana kelek yaptn
Rptm crptm kartrdm
Kendimi onla yartrdm
Kimse kimseye benzemez Nil Karaibrahimgil - Kek -
Kendimi kekle yattrdm
Oturdum ellerimle sana kek yaptm
Unla st kartrdm iyice
Tereya ekledim eriyince
Frn da oldu 180 derece
Attm sana kek yaptm
Nsan neler yapar isteyince
Bu bir ey deil dnnce
Ben de tarifi renince
Kalktm sana kek yaptm
Rptm crptm kartrdm
Kendimi onla yartrdm
Kimse kimseye benzemez
Kendimi kekle yattrdm
Oturdum ellerimle sana kek yaptm
Zldn belli cok beni grnce
Elimde kekimle sana gelince
Bir de alayp itiraf edince
Abarttn beni melek yaptn
Nil Karaibrahimgil - Cake (English translation)
I broke three eggs firstly
Sliced oranges carefully
And added some milk
I made a cake for you
People can do everything when they want
That's nothing when considering
And when I find the recipe out
I made a cake for you
You were charmed when you saw that girl
When she looked at you and smiled
And I slept early coincidently
You made me upset
People can do everything when they want
That's nothing when considering
And when you felt her feelings
You made me upset
I mixed well
I raced myself with herNil Karaibrahimgil - Kek -
Nobody resembles to anybody
I appeased myself with cake
I made a cake for you
I mixed flour and milk carefully
When it melted I added butter
And when the oven was 180 degrees hot
I put them in it and made a cake for you
People can do everything when they want
That's nothing when considering
And when I find the recipe out
I made a cake for you
I mixed well
I raced myself with her
Nobody resembles to anybody
I appeased myself with cake
I made a cake for you
It's obvious,you felt sorry when you saw me
When I came to you with my cake
And when I cried and confessed
You overrated; you thought I was an angel