No Name
No Name

Prvá Lyrics English translation


No Name - Prvá

Mňa nepresvedčí nikto,
že je život krátky,
že končí ako tanec.
že sa sebe ukloníme
a naposledy
si zamávajú dlane. Ja nechcem aby tvoje srdce stíchlo
aj tak sa stane, čo sa má stať,
veď život plynie rýchlo. Mňa nepresvedčí nikto,
že keď človek umrie
tak ostanú len fotky.
Človek potrebuje nádej
aspoň niečo,
aspoň tri bodky. Ja nechcem aby tvoje srdce stíchlo
aj tak sa stane, čo sa má stať
veď život plynie rýchlo. Tak nech ten život trvá
a moja dlaň
nedá zbohom tvojej dlani. Ty si moja prvá
čo dala si mi svetlo
ako ráno na svítaní. Nech trváNo Name - Prvá -
a náš koniec
je len otázkou veku. Ty si moja prvá
s ktorou som schopný stráviť život
pred smrťou na úteku. Mňa nepresviedčí nikto,
že keď umriem
tak ostaneš moja.
To je asi hlavný dôvod
prečo sa ľudia
tak umierania boja. Ja nechcem aby naše srdcia stíchli
aj tak sa stane čo sa má stať
veď život je tak rýchly. Tak nech ten život trvá
a moja dlaň
nedá zbohom tvojej dlani. Ty si moja prvá
čo dala si mi svetlo
ako ráno na svítaní. Nech trvá
a náš koniec
je len otázkou veku. Ty si moja prvá
s ktorou som schopný stráviť život
pred smrťou na úteku.

English translation

No Name - The First (English translation)

No one will convince me,
that life is short,
that it ends like a dance,
that we'll bow to each other,
and for the last time,
we'll wave our hands.

I don't want your heart to grow silent,
what's supposed to be will happen anyway,
life goes by so fast, after all.

No one will convince me,
that when a person dies
only photos remain.
A person needs hope,
at least something,
at least three dots (...)

I don't want your heart to grow silent,
what's supposed to be will happen anyway,
life goes by so fast, after all.

So let that life last!
and my hand
won't say farewell to yours.

You're my first,
that gave me light,
like in the morning, at dawn.

Let it last!No Name - Prvá -
And our end
is simply a matter of age.

You're my first,
the one I can spend my life with,
before my death as a fugitive.

No one will convince me,
that when I die,
you'll remain mine.
That's probably the main reason
why people are so afraid of dying.

I don't want our hearts to grow silent,
what's supposed to be will happen anyway,
life is so quick, after all.

So let that life last!
and my hand
won't say farewell to yours.

You're my first,
that gave me light,
like in the morning, at dawn.

Let it last!
And our end
is simply a matter of age.

You're my first,
the one I can spend my life with,
before my death as a fugitive.

For the song "Prvá", there are 2 versions of the english translation:

version [1]version [2]

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