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Ognjen Radivojevic Ogi

Vila Lyrics English translation


Ognjen Radivojevic Ogi - Vila

Tu sam da ti budem lek
ti si oduvek njegova
znam, za ceo vek
tu sam bol da upijem
da ti otrujem suze za njim
bezvrednim Ref.
Vilo, lezi ovde, tik uz meneOgnjen Radivojevic Ogi - Vila -
za ovu noc ja dajem sve
ljubim kao Bog, kao car
nek me djavo nosi
ljubim sto drugi odnosi Tu sam samo kao lek
nek poludim s tim
i nikad te ne prezalim

English translation

Ognjen Radivojevic Ogi - The Fairy (English translation)

I'm here to be your cure
You've always been his
I know, for whole century
I'm here to take pain
to poison your tears for him
not worthy

Fairy, lie here, right next to meOgnjen Radivojevic Ogi - Vila -
For this night I give everything
I'm kissing like God, like kind
let the devil take me
I'm kissing what the other is taking away

I'm here only as a cure
I will go crazy with that
and will never get over it

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