One Ok Rock - Ring Wondering
宇宙の方、放り出されやしないの? そういや昔それについてはさ
先生さん達が説明してくれたっけな それを証明した人の名はもう忘れたけど もう難しいことに興味はないし持つ気もないけど
そう 例えどんだけアホでもバカでドジで間抜けでも
ほらキミはちゃんと呼吸してこの瞬間を生きてるよ 遠くから見れば綺麗な真ん丸
僕はまだこの地平線見るのが精一杯だけど ユメはでかく広く浅くって
これもまたどこかのオッサンが話してたっけなOne Ok Rock - Ring Wondering -
偉そうに上から目線で ちなみに僕はそう思わないし 思いたくもないよ 'Cause nobody else is gonna be like you
And nobody wants to live one more time
神様以外に知る由ないし もう一度人間として
この世に生まれてくること自体僕らには分かりゃしないよ ひとつだけ尋ねていいですか 今何を君は思って 何を感じていますか
Nobody else is gonna be like you 'Cause nobody else is gonna be like you
And nobody wants to live one more time
神様以外に知る由ないし もう一度人間として
One Ok Rock - Ring Wondering (English translation)
Today we're again standing on top of that round star
Hey! We're standing here on our own two feet
Still, how do I put it? That itself is a miracle
Haven't we been forced to not give up on the universe?
Talking about the past, that reminds me
All our teachers used such difficult vocabulary
To lecture to us in monotone
But I've already forgotten the names of those people who had something to prove
It's not like I hold onto the feeling of having no interest in things like that
So in the meantime, let's get done whatever you all have been forced to do
You may've been called things like idiot, stupid, or a clumsy good-for-nothing
But see here, you're still alive and breathing in this moment
You tell me I could get closer to that beautiful perfect circle I see from afar
If I stare at the parabola
But still I'm just gazing at the horizon with all my might
Somewhere, some haughty old man's insisting that
Dreams are vast and superficialOne Ok Rock - Ring Wondering -
Like he's all that
Turns out I don't even think that, don't even want to think that
'Cause nobody else is gonna be like you
And nobody wants to live one more time
That's right! If you could change your birth, no one except God would be privy to the probability
Of whether you'd be reborn as another person or yourself again
We don't understand this whole "being born" into this world thing
Would it be all right to inquire about one thing I want to ask?
Could you answer if I asked what you're thinking, what you're feeling
And what it is you're able to do at this very moment?
Nobody else is gonna be like you
'Cause nobody else is gonna be like you
And nobody wants to live one more time
That's right! If you could change your birth, no one except God would be privy to the probability
Of whether you'd be reborn as another person or yourself again
We don't understand this whole "being born" into this world thing