Oum Kalthoum
Oum Kalthoum

Laylat 7ob Lyrics English translation


Oum Kalthoum - Laylat 7ob

ياللي عمرك ما خلفت ميعاد في عمرك الليلة دى غبت ليه..؟ حيرنى أمرك أخرك إيه عنى... ؟ مستحيل الدنيا عنى ... تأخرك بالأمل مستنى ... سهران.. تجينى.. يا حياتى.. واسهرك تعالى..العمر كله نخلصه حب.. الليله دي تعالى شوق العمر كله نعيشه من القلب..الليله دي ما تخليش أشواقنا لبكره ما تخليش فرحتنا لبكره كأن أول ليله للحب.. الليله دي.. يا حبيبى.. ونبض قلبى.. ونور حياتي يا ابتسام ليلي وخياله وذكرياته هديت الدنيا هنا.. واتلهفت لك كلها معايا هنا... اتلفتت لك الربيع.. الورد.. النبع اللي جاري.. كلهم ويايا .. أهم مستنين كلهم.. يا حياتى.. لك ..متشوقين.. لحبايبك دول .. ولقلبي أنا.. لليالي الشوق.. ونداها لنا.. ما تعذبناش ما تشوقناش وتعالى نعيش فرحتنا هنا تعالى..العمر كله نخلصه حب.. الليله دي تعالى شوق العمر كله نعيشه من القلب..الليله دي ما تخليش أشواقنا لبكره ما تخليش فرحتنا لبكره كأن أول ليله للحب.. الليله دي.. لوكل حب.. في كل قلب.. اتجمعوا..أنا حبى أكتر ويايا ويايا.. وانت بعيد ويايا.. خيال وشوق بيزيد... ويايا كل شىء حوالي.. بيفكرنى بيك.. كل نور ف عيني.. فيه ضحكة عنيك.. آدى الشموع اللى ابتسامتك نورت فوقها الدموع آدى خطوتك.... آدي ضحكتك ... آدى همستك ادي انت كلك ... نورك وظلك...ورقتك تعالى للأحلام.. للحب.. للالهام وقد ما يحلالنا.. نسهر.. وغيرنا ينام تعالى..العمر كله نخلصه حب.. الليله دي تعالى شوق العمر كله نعيشه من القلب..الليله دي ما تخليش أشواقنا لبكره ما تخليش فرحتنا لبكره كأن أول ليله للحب.. الليله دي.. ياللى فايت لليالى الحلوه والذكرى الجميله ياللى ويايا بحنانك تحيى أمالى العليله انت ويايا.. فى خيالى.. الليله دي.. وكل ليله فى المكان ده يا حبيبى... ياما جينا.. وياما ضمتنا الليالى فى المكان.. نفس المكان ده.. ياما طرنا ف العلالى.. الليله دي.. يا حياة روحى.. هنا ف نفس المكان جيت أنا وشوقى.. وقلبى.. والحنان.. جينا نستناك.. جينا نترجاك جينا نفرش بالأمل.. سكه خطاك.. ومهما غبت على.. حتجينى بعد شويه آخد ايديك فى ايديه.. واحضن عينك بعنيه ونعيشها ليله عمر.. بكل عمر الدنيا..Oum Kalthoum - Laylat 7ob - http://motolyrics.com/oum-kalthoum/laylat-7ob-lyrics-english-translation.html

English translation

Oum Kalthoum - a night of love (English translation)

You ,who never had been late at any date in your life

Why this night you became absent? Your state confused me

What latened you from me?

Its impossible that the life could laten you from me

Im waiting with hope

Im vigilant …to come to me…my life ,and I'll stay with you

Come here ,we will terminate our life all with love ,this night

Come here ,we will live all our yearning from our heart ,this night

Don't leave our longing to tomorrow

Don't let our happiness to tomorrow

As it's the first night for love ,this night

My darling ,my heart beat ,and my life's light

My night's smiling ,and its fantasy,and its memory

The world became calm here ,and been eager for you

All the world ,with me here ,looked at you

The spring, the flower ,the stream

All with me ,waiting for you

All of them,darling ,missing you

For their sake ,and for my heart

For the yearning nights ,and its callings for us

Don't crucify us

Don't make us eager

And come to live our happiness here

Come here ,we will terminate our life all with love ,this night

Come here ,we will live all our yearning from our heart ,this night

Don't leave our longing to tomorrow

Don't let our happiness to tomorrow

As it's the first night for love ,this night

If all loves from all hearts collected ,my love is more

With me with me , although you are far ,but you are with me

Fantasy and eagerness increasing with me

All things around me ,making me remember you

All brightness of my eyes contain a smile of your eyes

Here is the candles which your smile lightened the tears above it

Here is your steps, your smile ,your whisper

Here is you ,all of you ,your light ,your shadow, your gentility

Come for dreams, for love, for afflatus

And we will stay awake as much as we want, and the others will sleep

Come here ,we will terminate our life all with love ,this night

Come here ,we will live all our yearning from our heart ,this night

Don't leave our longing to tomorrow

Don't let our happiness to tomorrow

As it's the first night for love ,this night

You are going to the nice nights and nice memorys

You make my diseased hopes return alive by your kindness

You are with me ,in my mind, this night and all nights

In this place darling

How many times we came ,and how much the night holded us

in this place , the same place

How much we flied in the heaven ,this night

Oh my soul my life ,in this place

I came with my eagerness ,my heart ,and my kindness

We came waiting for you

We came mulching with hope ,your steps way

And however you became absent ,you will come to me after a while

I will take your hands and put inside my hands,and hold your eyes by mine

And we live this night of life

Oum Kalthoum - Laylat 7ob - http://motolyrics.com/oum-kalthoum/laylat-7ob-lyrics-english-translation.html

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