Pasărea Colibri - Cîntec şoptit
1. Odata am ucis o vrabie.
Am tras cu prastia in ea si-am lovit-o.
Pe urma o zi si o noapte intreaga
Am tot plans-o si am tot jelit-o. 2. Nu m-a batut mama, nu m-a certat.
In mana tineam o bucata de paine.
Degeaba mi-a spus, degeaba mai plangi,
Ce-ai omorat, omorat ramane. 3. Mai tarziu am crescut flacaiandru,Pasărea Colibri - Cîntec şoptit -
M-am indragostit nebuneste de-o fata.
Nu stiu de ce, intr-o zi a murit
Si-n alta zi a fost ingropata. 4. De mult nu mai trag cu prastia-n vrabii,
De mult nu mai merg la nici o-ngropare.
Soarele apune dupa niste maguri
Si rasare in flacari dïn mare.
Pasărea Colibri - Whispered song (English translation)
1. I once killed a sparrow
I shot at her with a slingshot and struck her.
Then a day and an entire night
I still cried and I still mourned for her.
2. My mother didn't beat me, she didn't scold me.
I was holding a piece of bread in my hand.
"In vain" she said to me, "In vain you still cry"
"What you killed, remains slain."
3.Later I grew into a young manPasărea Colibri - Cîntec şoptit -
I fell madly in love with a girl.
I don't know why, one day she died
And another day she was buried.
4. I don't shoot at sparrows with slingshots any more,
I don't go to any more burials.
The sun sets behind some hills
And rises in flames from the sea.