Pasărea Colibri - Dealul cu dor
Fratioare vant, tu, frate
Ce bati veacul fara moarte,
Ia-mi secunda ce ma tine,
Fara moarte si pe mine. Ziua, dorul ma omoara,
Greu ca pietrele de moara,
Iara moartea ma invie
Cu flori mari de insomnie. Hai, da-mi calul sa ajung
Unde-am fost odata prunc,
Sa beau apa de baut
Unde maica m-a nascut,
Numai vreo trei zilePasărea Colibri - Dealul cu dor -
Sa ma duc si-apoi,
Voi veni la tine
Frate, inapoi. Doru-n mine taie lemne
Si mereu imi face semne
Sa urc iarasi la pridvoare
Si sa-l bat in geam c-o floare,
Sa arunc doar o privire
Unde taica-meu ca mire
A pus mana pe himera
Cu lumea la butoniera.
Pasărea Colibri - The hill with longing (English translation)
Little brother wind, you, brother
Who beats time without death
Take me the second that holds me
Without death.
In the daytime, the longing is killing me
Heavy like the millstones,
And death revives me
With large flowers of insomnia.
Come, give me the horse to arrive
Where I once was a baby,
To drink the drinking water
Where my mother gave birth to me.
Only some three daysPasărea Colibri - Dealul cu dor -
to go, and then
I will come back
To you, brother.
The longing in me cuts wood
And it always signals to me
To climb again on the porch
And to tap on the window with a flower
To cast just a glance
Where my father as a bridegroom
Put his hand on a fantasy
With the world at the buttonhole.