Proconsul - Pentru tine
I : Lacrima din soare plina de culoare
Zambet de lumina sufletul imi alina
Caut primavera care vine intaia oara
Ai adus cu tine dimineti senine
Pentru tine, sa stii numar nopte si zi
R : de sapte ori in sase seri
Prin vise imi cutreieri
Din cinci povesti in patru esti
Si imi spui ca ma iubesti
Din trei lumini doi ochi senini
Sunt ochii tai iubito
Unul este gandul care m-a facut sa cant
Pentru tine…
Pentru tine sa stii, numar noapte si zi
II : Stea tarzie in noapte,ganduri fara soapte
Soare ascuns in mare, unde esti tu oare ?
Fiecare clipa care trece fara tine
Ma cuprinde dorul zilelor senineProconsul - Pentru tine -
Pentru tine sa stii, numar noapte si zi
R : de sapte ori in sase seri
Prin vise imi cutreieri
Din cinci povesti in patru esti
Si imi spui ca ma iubesti
Din trei lumini doi ochi senini
Sunt ochii tai iubito
Unul este gandul care m-a facut sa cant
R : de sapte ori in sase seri
Prin vise imi cutreieri
Din cinci povesti in patru esti
Si imi spui ca ma iubesti
Din trei lumini doi ochi senini
Sunt ochii tai iubito
Unul este gandul care m-a facut sa cant
Pentru tine…
Pt tine…sa stii, numar noapte si zi
Pentru tïne Submitter's comments: Multumesc anticipat celui care va traduce aceste versuri.
Proconsul - For you (English translation)
I. Tear from the sun full of color
Smile of light soothes my soul
I look for the spring that comes for the first time
You brought with you clear mornings
Know that for you, I count night and day
R: Seven times in six evenings
You wander through my dreams
Of five stories you are in four
And you tell me that you love me
Of three lights, two clear eyes
Are your eyes, love
One is the thought that made me sing
For you...
Know that for you, I count night and day
II. Star late in the night, thoughts without whispers
Sun hidden in the sea, I wonder where you are
Every moment that passes without you
The longing of the clear days embraces meProconsul - Pentru tine -
Know that for you I count night and day
R: Seven times in six evenings
You wander through my dreams
Of five stories you are in four
And you tell me that you love me
Of three lights, two clear eyes
Are your eyes, love
One is the thought that made me sing
R: Seven times in six evenings
You wander through my dreams
Of five stories you are in four
And you tell me that you love me
Of three lights, two clear eyes
Are your eyes, love
One is the thought that made me sing
For you...
Know that for you, I count night and day
For you...