Puya - Change ft Kamelia & George Hora
Yeah! Puya,Kamleia si George Hora! Ya ya!
We can change the world , change the world. I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world,
Change the world. Cand te faci mare
Ai vrea sa fi vedeta
Independenta, super inteligenta
Toata lumea apare la televizor
Se lasa filmati chiar la ei in dormitor
Oricine poate fi actor ca nu e greu
Trebuie sa abordezi producatorul cu tupeu
Spitalul de nebuni are o gaura-n gard
Ca multi fug si nu stiu cum darcu au scapat
Apar in prime time fac urat, dau dramber
Producatorri-si freaca mainile cand se-njura de mame
Circul Globus n-are cautare
Ce e la televizor e mult mai tare
Nu-ti trebuie talent, iti trebuie o gura mare
Cu cat te faci mai mult de ras, raiting-ul sare
Toti sunte-ti oripilati dar stati,
Stati, stati si va uitati I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world
I can change the world. Nu vrem in Bora-Bora
Vrem uite-aici
E-un parastat live, cu coliva si multi mici
Adu floricele, o sticla de Cola
Lu' vecina de la 3 i-a murit sora
Toata lumea-i porno, toti sunt star pe val
Romancele sunt bune,bune si mie-n haine-mi sarPuya - Change ft Kamelia & George Hora - http://motolyrics.com/puya/change-ft-kamelia-and-george-hora-lyrics-english-translation.html
I-au televizoru' o sa-l arunc pe geam
M-am saturat de VIP-urile puse pe scandal
Bine ai venit in direct cu toate crimele
Invitatl de azi nu si-a luat pastilele
In timp ce altii ne fura sa-si faca vilele
Tu te uiti la TV ei muta kilele.
Daca maine ar porni un razboi, ar fi penal
Soldatii s-ar uita la a5a pagina din ziar
N-o sa oprim nici un raid aerian
Daca-o sa ne-atace cand e Inima de Tigan. I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world,
I can change the world. Tot ce e normal
Pentru ei e banal,deci prost
N-o s-apari pe post
Daca nu esti gay sau lesby n-are rost. Ce-o fi in capul lor
Toti vor la televizor
nici nu mai rad, sa mor
E Balaceanca-n Mall.
Daca nu e senzational e in zadar
Si de-asta cand te uiti la stiri te baga ij spital
Ai raiting fenomenal, inviatatul e penal
Fete pline de silicon ajung un megastar
Ai doua facultati, imi dai citate din Cioran,
Dar ramai cu ochii in TV cand e vreun scandal.
Bai inteligentule! I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world,
I can change the world.
Puya - Change (English translation)
Yeah! Puya,Kamleia and George Hora! Ya ya!
We can change the world , change the world.
I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream
I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world,
Change the world.
When you grow up
You'd like to be a star
Independent, super intelligent
Everyone appears on television
They allow themselves to be filmed even in the bedroom
Anyone can be an actor, it's not difficult
You must approach the producer with boldness
The mental hospital has a hole in the fence
That many flee but I don't know how the devil escaped
They appear on prime time, they act crazy,
The producers rub their hands when they swear at their mothers
Circul Globus doesn't have demand,
What is on TV is much better
You don't need talent, you need a big mouth
The more you make them laugh, your rating jumps
You are all frightened but you stay,
You stay, stay and you look...
I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream
I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world
I can change the world.
We don't want in Bora-Bora
We want look-here
It's a live requiem, with funeral porridge and lots of sausage
Bring little flowers and a bottle of cola,
The neighbor at 3, her sister died.
Everybody is porno, everybody's a star on the wave,
Romanian women are good, good, and they jump in my clothesPuya - Change ft Kamelia & George Hora - http://motolyrics.com/puya/change-ft-kamelia-and-george-hora-lyrics-english-translation.html
They have their television and they'll throw it out the window
I've had enough of VIPs put to scandal
Welcome directly with all the crimes
Invited today he didn't take his pills
While the others steal from us he makes himself villas
You watch TV, they move kilos.
If a war started tomorrow it would be penal
The soldiers would look at page 5 of the newspaper
I won't even grind down an air raid
If they attack us when "Gypsy Heart" is on.
I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream
I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world,
I can change the world.
All that is normal
For them is ordinary, therefore stupid
You won't appear on the station
If you're not gay or lesby it's no use.
What might be in their head
Everyone wants on television
They don't even laugh any more, to die
Is Balaceanca in the Mall
If it's not sensational it's useless
And from that when you watch the news they put you in the hospital
You have a phenomenal rating, enviable and penal
Girls full of silicon become a megastar
You have two degrees, you give me quotations from Cioran,
But you remain with your eyes in the TV when there's some scandal.
Bai, intelligent one!
I said no, this is not fair
Everybody's talking and I really don't care
Why,is the world so mean
I hope is just a dream
I said no, life's not fair
I,I,I can change the world,
I can change the world.