Rage - Fading Hours
Music and Lyrics by P. Wagner.
Who tells sader stories?
Tears in broken eyes
telling 'bout the worries,
search for cure from whys.
A something to believe in, not leaving, still living.
There must have been a reason for all, she said.
Fading hours of pleasure and pain,
trust me now, it wasn't in vain.
In this life some things will remain
from fading hours.
Why didn't you answer?
You looked through me, it seemed.
It all's changed but I can't swear,Rage - Fading Hours - http://motolyrics.com/rage/fading-hours-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
the whole scene's so unreal.
I'm still an unbeliever, won't leave you,
still live here.
There must have been a reason for all, she said.
Fading hours of plesure and pain,
trust me now, it wasn't in vain.
In this life some things will remain
from fading hours.
Fading hours, but my time stood still.
My missing shadow can't explain.
But the pictures on your table will,
they're showing me pale white,
the coffin's opened wide...
I've forgotten fading hours.
Rage - Izbledeli Sati (Serbian translation)
Ko priča tužnije priče?
Suze slomljenih očiju
pričaju o brigama
traže odgovore.
Neku veru, bez odlaska, još žive.
Sigurno postoji razlog za sve, kaže.
Izbledeli sati uživanja i boli,
veruj mi, nije uzalud
U životu neke stvari ostaju
iz izbledelih sata.
Zašto nisi odgovorila?
Izgledalo je kao da gledaš kroz mene.
Sve se promenilo ali ne mogu da se zakunem,
sve se čini neverovatnim.Rage - Fading Hours - http://motolyrics.com/rage/fading-hours-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
I dalje sam nevernik, neću te napustiti
i dalje sam ovde.
Sigurno postoji razlog za sve, kaže.
Izbledeli sati uživanja i boli,
veruj mi, nije uzalud
U životu neke stvari ostaju
iz izbledelih sata.
Izbledeli sati, ali za mene vreme stoji.
Ne znam zašto nemam senku.
Ali slike sa tvog stola znaju,
pokazuju mi bledilo,
i širom otvoren kovčeg...
Zaboravio sam izbledele sate.