Ranjit Barot Biography
An excellent Drummer .He is the son of the famous Kathak dancer Sitara devi, He studied in cathedral school in mumbai and later on graduated from Elphinstone college. he resides in Napeansea Road..He also has collection of percussion instruments from around the world He has played with Louis Banks -- the master in jazz piano and a composer. Ranjit has played in many jazz yatras.. A talent scout from Paiste, a Swiss company that manufactures cymbals, heard Ranjit performing at the Zurich Jazz Festival and offered him a contract. He played for them for a couple of years and then moved on to England for getting to learn more intricacies on music! By the time he moved to New York, he was ready to take on the international bigwigs. Back to Bombay he tried for a musical score h Darling, Yeh Hai India , which was a complete disaster.. He also had played with Karl peters,Dominic Manuel,Shanker Mahadevan for their band "Bodhisatva"
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