
Sve što je vječno, kratko traje Lyrics English translation


Replica - Sve što je vječno, kratko traje

Ti me možeš voditi, preporoditi
Nadu davat' mi i volju da nastavim
Znaš me odavno, znaš me dovoljno
Da me ne čuješ, a razumiješ Samo jednu stvar još nisi shvatila
Zašto ljubav ti se još nije vratila
U sebe zatvoren, ja vodim ratove
A znaš da cijeli svijet dao bih za tebe I kako da poletim kad jedva hodat znam
Nauči me voljeti, sve drugo naučit ću sam x2 Nekim tajnim oružjem izvlačiš iz mene
Ono što je zakopano najdubljeReplica - Sve što je vječno, kratko traje -
Pljujem stihove da sakriju krikove
Suze il' smijeh, u mojoj glavi to isto je Sad si me dobila, ništa ne odbijam
Uspjela si nešto što se činilo utopija
Iako sam sve dobro pratio
Izgleda nešto sam krivo shvatio Jer ja kada volim, ja cijelog sebe dajem
Šteta, sve što je vječno, kratko traje I kako da poletim kad jedva hodat znam
Nauči me voljeti, sve drugo naučit ću sam
I kako da poletim kad jedva hodat znam
Nauči me voljeti...

English translation

Replica - All that is eternal, lasts short (English translation)

You can guide me, reborn me
You can give the hope to me, the will to go on
You know me for some time, you know me well enough
To not hear me, but to understand me

Only one thing you have not yet realized
Why hasn't your love yet came back
In myself I'm closed up, I run wars
And you know that the whole world I would give to you

And how can I fly when I can hardly walk
Teach me to love, everything else I'll learn by myself x2

With some secret weapon, you pull out from me
That what is deeply buriedReplica - Sve što je vječno, kratko traje -
I spit rhymes to hide the screams
Tears or laughter, in my head it's all the same

Now you've got me, I won't refuse anything
You've done something that seemed as an Utopia
Although I followed all that well
Looks like something I misunderstood

Because when I love, I give my whole self over
Too bad, all that is eternal, lasts short x2

And how can I fly when I can hardly walk
Teach me to love, everything else I'll learn by myself
And how can I fly when I can hardly walk
Teach me to love...

For the song "Sve što je vječno, kratko traje", there are 2 versions of the english translation:

version [1]version [2]

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