Riblja Corba - Besni Psi
Grcki sverceri,
arapski studenti,
negativni elementi,
maloletni delikventi
i besni psi.
Kucne pomocnice,
njihovi svaleri,
napaljeni voajeri,
pitome i divlje zveri
i besni psi.
Ponocne pijanice,Riblja Corba - Besni Psi - http://motolyrics.com/riblja-corba/besni-psi-lyrics-english-translation.html
lepe se ko pijavice,
probisveti i skitnice,
ubice me zbog sitnice
i besni psi.
Besni psi,
jure me po parku,
besni psi,
vrebaju u mraku,
besni psi,
prljavi i zli,
besni psi.
Riblja Corba - Angry dogs (English translation)
Greek smugglers
Arab students
negative elements
underaged delinquents
and angry dogs
and angry dogs
House maids
their lovers
horny voyeurs
tamed and wiled beasts
and angry dogs
and angry dogs
Ref.Riblja Corba - Besni Psi - http://motolyrics.com/riblja-corba/besni-psi-lyrics-english-translation.html
Angry dogs chase me around the park
angry dogs lurk in the dark
angry dogs, dirty and evil
Angry dogs
Midnight drunks
stick like leeches
spivs and hobos
will kill me for trifle
and angry dogs
and angry dogs
Angry dogs
Angry dogs
Angry dogs