Ruslana - Ya Tebe Lyublyu
Za bezmejniy sv³t,
Scho v³dkriv men³,
Za movchannya l³d,
Bojev³l'n³ dn³,
Za teplo dolon',
U yakih odna Ya...
Za nesterpniy b³l',
Za nestrimnu mit',
Scho rozkv³tla vje,
² za vse, scho spit',
Za hm³l'nu jagu,
Pershiy op³k vust,
Za lyubov tvoyu
Ya tebe lyublyu...
Za nespravjn³st' zrad,
Bezporadn³st' sl³v,
Za z³rki ponad,
Za svav³llya sn³v,
Za ostann³y krok,
Za minulu n³ch,
A tam teplo z³rok... Ruslana - Ya Tebe Lyublyu -
Tam, de buv nash d³m,
A teper nema,
Tam, de padav sn³g,
A teper vesna,
Tam, de mi u snah,
Tam, de sni pro nas,
Tam, v chuj³m krayu,
Ya tebe lyublyu...
Ne v³ddam tebe krapel'c³ rosi,
Soncyu ne v³ddam, nav³t' ne prosi,
Ne v³ddam tob³ mr³y zradlivih sp³v
U vogn³ vogn³v...
² koli tremchu
V³d tvo¿h dolon',
² koli odna
V sumn³vah bezson'.
Sumn³vam ne dam,
Ne v³ddam zeml³,
Ne v³ddam vognyu
Ya tebe lyublyu...
Ruslana - I love you (English translation)
For a boundless world, that opened me
For a long (many years) silence, mad days
For warm of hands, in which I am the only one
For unbearable pain, for irresistable moment,
That is free now, and for everything that sleep now
For heady thirst, the first burn of lips
For your love- I love you
For unreality of betrayals, for helplessness of words,
For the stars above, for the self -will of dreams
For the last step, for the last night
where the warmth of the stars
where was our house, and now it is not thereRuslana - Ya Tebe Lyublyu -
where it was snowing, and now it is spring
There where we are in dreams, and dreams are about us
There in a foreign country - I love you
I will not give you to the drop of the dew
Not for the sun, don't even ask
I will not give you, treacherous singing of dreams
They are in the fire
And when I am trembling of you hands
And when I am alone, doubting in insomnia
I will not give to doubts, I wiil not give to the earth
I will not give to the fire - I love you
I love you, I love you