Safet Isovic - U Stambolu na Bosforu
u stambolu na bosforu bolan paša lezi,
duša mu je na izmaku, crnoj zemlji tezi.
molitva je njemu sveta,
dok mujezin s minareta
uci glasom svim:
"allah illallah, selam alejkjum"! "dok ste vjerno sluge moje sluzili moj harem,
neka od vas svako uzme sedam zena barem".
iz oka mu suza kanu,Safet Isovic - U Stambolu na Bosforu -
pa na minder mrtav pa´nu,
stari musliman.
"allah illallah, selam alejkjum"! kad je cula pašinica za tu tuznu vijest,
da se paša preselio na ahiret svijet.
iz oka joj suza kanu,
pokraj paše mrtva pa´nu,
ljubav pašina.
"allah illallah, selam alejkjum"!
Safet Isovic - In Istanbul at the Bosphorus (English translation)
in istanbul at the bosphorus,
the pasha lies sick.
his soul is on the decline,
and yearns for the black earth.
prayer for him is holy,
when from the minaret, the muezzin
calls out:
allah ilallah, salaam aleikum.
since, my servants, you have
faithfully served my harem,
let each one of you takeSafet Isovic - U Stambolu na Bosforu -
at least seven wives.
a tear dropped from his eye
and he fell dead on the divan,
the old muslim…
allah ilallah, salaam aleikum.
when the pasha's wife
heard about this sad news,
that the pasha had moved
onto the afterlife,
a tear dropped from her eye
and she fell dead on the divan,
the pasha's beloved…