Sajsi - Period neljubavnih orgija
Period neljubavnih orgija,
Mnogo je upala mišića, mnogo je glupih razgovora,
Ispraznih rečenica, dosadnih tema
Pred hodnik petinga, dnevnih soba ulaska
I preobražaja, nementalnog napora,
Period lakog probijanja,
Period brzog opraštanja
I previše je tu razmena, mnogo se
Ponavljalo, stapalo, mi smo lupali vratima,
Uvek zaštita i moja hodanja do kuće
Jer nema noćnih baseva
Usput nema motanja filma
Šetam blanko
Jao, što prija kada prestajem da te volim
I navlačim se na naš period neljubavnih orgija,
Ti si prosta moja čigra
I neću da te pustim
Jer duguješ mi hiljadu orgazama
To je ako ti računam i kamatu za bezobraznu misao
Da sam samo tvoja
Zato smo i ušli u period neljubavnih orgija
Preterano mnogo otrova,
Preterano mnogo otrova Period neljubavnih orgija
Mnogo je upala mišića, mnogo je glupih razgovora,Sajsi - Period neljubavnih orgija -
Ispraznih rečenica, dosadnih tema
Pred hodnik petinga, dnevnih soba ulaska
I preobražaja, nementalnog napora,
Period lakog probijanja,
Period brzog opraštanja
I previše je tu razmena, mnogo se
Ponavljalo, stapalo, mi smo lupali vratima,
Uvek zaštita i moja hodanja do kuće
Jer nema noćnih baseva,
Usput nema motanja filma
Šetam blanko
Jao, što prija kada prestajem da te volim
I navlačim se na naš period neljubavnih orgija
Ti si prosta moja čigra
I neću da te pustim
Jer duguješ mi hiljadu orgazama
Ako ti računam i kamatu za bezobraznu misao
Da sam samo tvoja
Zato smo i ušli u period neljubavnih orgija
Preterano mnogo otrova
I šetam blanko
Jao, što prija
I šetam blanko
Jao, što prija
Sajsi - The time of non-love orgies (English translation)
The time of non-love orgies
So many sore muscels, a lot of stupid conversations
Meaningless sentences, boring topics
Before the corridor of petting, living rooms of going in
And transformations, non-mental effort
The time of easy breakthrough
The time of fast forgiveness
And there are too many exchanges, a lot of
Repetition, merging, we were banging the doors
Always protection and my walks to home
Because there are no night buses
No rewind along the way
Walking blank
Oh, how it feels good when I stop loving you
And get hooked to our time of non-love orgies
You are simply my playtoy
And I won't let you go
Because you owe me a thousand of orgasms
And I've included the interest for a naughty thought
That I am only yours
That's why we entered the time of non-love orgies
Too much poison,
Too much poison
The time of non-love orgies
So many sore muscels, a lot of stupid conversationsSajsi - Period neljubavnih orgija -
Meaningless sentences, boring topics
Before the corridor of petting, living rooms of going in
And transformations, non-mental effort
The time of easy breakthrough
The time of fast forgiveness
And there are too many exchanges, a lot of
Repetition, merging, we were banging the doors
Always protection and my walks to home
Because there are no night buses
No rewind along the way
Walking blank
Oh, how it feels good when I stop loving you
And get hooked to our time of non-love orgies
You are simply my playtoy
And I won't let you go
Because you owe me a thousand of orgasms
I've included the interest for a naughty thought
That I am only yours
That's why we entered the time of non-love orgies
Too much poison
And I walk blank
Wow, it feels good
And I walk blank
Oh, how it feels good