Salah Al-Zidjaly - 3asa ma yo7ashk ghali
سى ما يوحشك غالي
تطمن يا هوى بالي
انا في قربتي صابر
مخلي بالي من حالي
Yesterday I was needing you I swear
احتجت لحظنك وقلبك
شفت ألبووم رحلتنا
وزادت حاجتي لقربك
Do you know whats the hardest thing?
انك تفتكرني حي
انا حي بشكل ميت
طاويني فراقك طيSalah Al-Zidjaly - 3asa ma yo7ashk ghali -
i got tired ,look at me from tiredness
تعبت اقول واحشني
تعبت أمثل الضحكه
وفي لحظات تكشفني
If this farness is burning us
ومن فرحتنا يسرقنا
تأكد حبنا اقوى
تأكد ما يفرقنا
احبك هي تكفي وزود
قولها تطيح حدود
احبك كثر هالغربه
كثر ما انا بك محسووووود
Salah Al-Zidjaly - 3asa ma yo7ashk ghali (English translation)
I hope you would never miss a precious one
Make my mind to be relaxed
I'm patient in my nearness
I'm taking care of myself
Ams i7tajtak w rabbak
I was needing your armful and your heart
I saw the album of our trip
and then ,my need increased to your nearness
Tadri wesh as3ab shi
that you think of me as i'm alive
I'm alive but in the form of dead
your separation made me foldSalah Al-Zidjaly - 3asa ma yo7ashk ghali -
T3abt mn al ta3ab shfni
I got tired from saying I miss you
I got tired from acting the smile
and you are gonna reveal me in moments
Lo hal bo3d y7rgna
And stealing us from our happiness
Be sure that our love is stronger
Be sure ,it will not separate us
I love you ,its enough
Saying it , will destroy the boundaries
I love you as much as this alienation
As much as I'm envied