Sarit Hadad
Sarit Hadad

Ahava Betochi Lyrics English translation


Sarit Hadad - Ahava Betochi

Amarta, anachnu beyachad ze netzach
Hivtachta olam she'sviveinu poreach
Amarti le'kulam, she'atah belibi
Nishbata she'lahad tiheh rak sheli
Ech ze ha'lachta, ve'alayi kach vitarta
teda, she'ha'derech etzli lo slulah
Ani menasah, ach kasheh od yoter
Ani lo rotzah, ve'gam lo avater
Lama?... Lama, ko sorefet vechoderet
Ahava betochi metorefet
Sholetet, koveshet, ma shaveh olamiSarit Hadad - Ahava Betochi -
Mar li, lo mitgaberet, kach nishberet
Lo motzet pitaron, menasah
Kashe li norah Kama yamim yafim ha'yu lishneynu
Ha'yom shenay zarim la'ahava, ma asinu
La'el noset tfila, ho ha'kol bishvili
Saharat regashot, matkifah et libi
Ba'laila, nodedet nishmati shuv eleicha
Rotzah et libcha, ze kashe biladecha
Ha'yom shuv chozer ve'kasheh od yoter
Hamet, lo rotzah, ve'gam lo avater
lama....? lama....?

English translation

Sarit Hadad - the love within (my heart) (English translation)

you said, that we will be together forever
you promised a world that blossoms
(a world that everything flourishing around us)
I told everyone, that you are in my heart,
I sweard that forever, you will be mine
how you went away, and gave up on me
just letting you know, that the road to me is not open,
I am trying, but it is even more difficult
I don't want, and I wont give up

why the love within my heart,
so burning and conroling,
why the love within my heart, is so crazy,
there is nothing worth living for now in my world,Sarit Hadad - Ahava Betochi -
I am in paine, and I can get over it,
I try, but I can't find solutions\ answers
I feel everything is so hard, dificult for me now

we spent some good times together
and today, we are strangers to love
what have we done (to ourselves)
I pray to god, and say that he is everything to me
emotions are storming my heart,
and at nights, my soul wanders to be with you
I want your heart, it is so difficult to be without you,
the day repet it self, and it is hard for me even more
the truth, is that I don't want to, and I wont give up,
why?? why??

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