Sasa Matic
Sasa Matic

Nadji mi ti Lyrics English translation


Sasa Matic - Nadji mi ti

Taman mislim prava, cura boli glava
ti mi nesto o njoj ruzno javis
nalazis joj mane, trazis slabe strane
redovno mi svaku vezu kvaris Draga, moja bivsa draga
izdala me snaga
pomozi mi, pomozi mi Ref.
Evo nadji mi ti neku savrsenu
nadji mi ti vreme da ne gubimSasa Matic - Nadji mi ti -
nadji mi ti al' ne ljuti se
ako se u nju zaljubim Jedna mnogo pije, druga lepa nije
treca dosadna je nije steta
ova ti je mlada, ona lako pada
i kod svake tebi nesto smeta Draga, moja bivsa draga
izdala me snaga
pomozi mi, pomozi mi Ref. Nadji mi, ti, nadji mi, ti Ref.

English translation

Sasa Matic - You Find Me One (English translation)

Just when I start to think - the right one, an awesome girl
you're there to report something bad about her
you find her flaws, look for her weaknesses
you ruin my every relationship

Darling, my ex darling
my strength gave out
help me, help me

Here, maybe you can find me a perfect oneSasa Matic - Nadji mi ti -
you find me one so that I don't wast time
you find me one but don't be mad
if I fall in love with her

One drinks too much, the other is not pretty
third one is too young, she is easy
and something bothers you about each of them

Darling, my ex darling
my strength gave out
help me, help me


You find me one, you find me one

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