Sasa Matic
Sasa Matic

Ne znam ja muski da poginem Lyrics English translation


Sasa Matic - Ne znam ja muski da poginem

Od tvojih hiljadu lica
vise nijedno ja ne prepoznajem
a ja gospodar sitnica
trudim se da bas nista ne saznajem Sto si tudja, sto me varas sa svima
to sto svako moze tebe da ima
a ja cutim, ja te poklanjam njima
i tako doveka Ref.
A ja samo ruke podignem
na tvoj pogled ja se predajem
ne znam ja da muski poginem
i zato bez tebe ostajem A ja samo ruke podignem
i zastavu belu okacim
na sred sobe da te ne videSasa Matic - Ne znam ja muski da poginem -
dok se ti za drugog oblacis Od mojih hiljadu rana
svaka je tvojom rukom naneta
a ja bez noci i dana
pravim se da mi nikad ne zasmeta Sto si tudja, sto me varas sa svima
to sto svako moze tebe da ima
a ja cutim, ja te poklanjam njima
i tako doveka Ref. A ti samo ruke podignes
na moj pogled ti se predajes
ne znas ti da muski pogines
i zato bez mene ostajes A ja samo ruke podignem
i zastavu belu okacim
na sred sobe da te ne vide
dok se ti za drugog oblacis

English translation

Sasa Matic - I Don't Know To Die Like A Man (English translation)

Out of your 1000 faces
I dont even recognize one anymore
and I, master of trifles
trying not to know anything at all

that you're someone else's, that you're cheating me with everyone
that anyone can have you
and I stay quiet, I give you to them
and forever like that

And I just raise my hands
I give up at your look
I dont know to die like a man
and that's why I'm losing you

And I just raise my hands
and put white flag
in the middle of the room, not to see youSasa Matic - Ne znam ja muski da poginem -
dressing up for someone else

Out of my 1000 wounds
every single one came from your hand
And I, without night and day
pretending that nothing bothers me

that you're someone else's, that you're cheating me with everyone
that anyone can have you
and I stay quiet, I give you to them
and forever like that

And you just raise your hands
you give up on my look
you dont know how to die like a man
and that's why you're losing me

And I just raise my hands
and put white flag
in the middle of the room, not to see you
dressing up for someone else

For the song "Ne znam ja muski da poginem", there are 2 versions of the english translation:

version [1]version [2]

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