Sasa Matic
Sasa Matic

Pogresna Lyrics English translation


Sasa Matic - Pogresna

Sto nikad kad nisam voleo
u tebi Bog je spojio
sve cega sam se odrek'o
u tebi je sacuvao Poljupce lake za usne slatke
staze za tudje korake
(2x) Ref.
Pogresna, pogresna
k'o mesec u sred dana
u moje odajeSasa Matic - Pogresna -
usla si nepozvana Pogresna, pogresna
to mi je sada zao
da si k'o andjeo
Bog bi te drugom dao Sve cega bih se stideo
kasno sam u tebi video
kakvu te nisam zeleo
bas takvu Bog te stvorio Prepunu greha i laznog smeha
pa te meni poslao Bog bi te drugom dao

English translation

Sasa Matic - Wrong One (English translation)

Everything that i never liked
God joined in you
Everything I gave up
He keapt in you

Easy kiss for sweet lips
paths for alien steps

Wrong, wrong
like the moon in the middle of the day
in my roomsSasa Matic - Pogresna -
you came uninvited

wrong, wrong
I feel sorry about that now
if you were like an angel
God would give you to someone else

everything that I'd be ashamed of
I saw in you too late
Just like I didnt want
God created you like that

Full of sin and false laugh
and sent you to me

God would give you to someone else

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