Seka Aleksic - Rođena da budem druga
Ako mi kažeš volim te
ja ću da žmurim
dok tu u tvojim rukama
u propast jurim Čemu te laži providne
nemoj na reč svaku da paziš
znam da sa jutrom
od mene odlaziš Ref.
Jer ja sam rođena da budem druga
za sve loše sam
ničija obaveza, nikom tugaSeka Aleksic - Rođena da budem druga -
samo sam za kraj Jer ja sam rođena da budem druga
meni dovoljno
što sam bar ove noći
u tvom raju bila anđeo Ne treba da mi kupuješ
poklone skupe
žene su najpametnije
kada su glupe Nisam ja ta što videće
ljubav sa tvog prelepog lica
ja sam u tvojoj knjizi stranica Ref.
Seka Aleksic - I was born to be second best (English translation)
If you tell me 'I love you'
I'll squint my eyes
while I'm here in your arms
racing towards my doom
Why are you telling those transparent lies
don't mind your every word
I know that your leaving me
in the morning
Because I was born to be second best
to all bad guys
I'm no one's obligation, nor sorrowSeka Aleksic - Rođena da budem druga -
I'm just there at the end
Because I was born to be second best
it's good enough for me
that tonight I was just
and angel in your heaven
You don't have to buy me
expensive gifts
women are smartest
when they're dumb
I'm not the woman who'll see
love expressed on your handsome face
I'm just a page in your book