Severina - Adam i Seva
Veceras ja ulazim u klub
prva macka, plesna kraljica
o bjez'te, epizodne nule
ja sam glavna uloga svih predstava Ne vidim dobro jesi li to ti
i to ne s jednom
vise manje nego s tri
o sve su iste plave kose peglane
ponistene marke taksene Ref.
Gledaj tijelo, gledaj vrat
ne gledaj na rolex satSeverina - Adam i Seva -
slusaj usne sto ti sapucu
ljubi ruke sto te miluju u prolazu A pile moje, a gotovo je
sta mi radis, sta mi radis
pile moje, sta mi radis Ti pitas kol'ko sam ih imala do sad
ma kad sve zbrojim nista
tuga, cemer, jad
ako si prvi covjek
ti na svijetu, prvi uopce
sto ne kazes, moj Adame
Severina - Turkish Chicken (English translation)
Tonight I go in the club
first chick, dancing queen
run away, you zeros
I'm the main part of all shows
I don't see well, is that you?
not with one
more or less, with three
they are all ironed blonds
with fake brands
Look at the body, look at the neck
don't watch the rolexSeverina - Adam i Seva -
read the lips that are whispering
kiss the hands that caress you
Oh, my chicken, it's over
what are you doing to me, what are you doing to me
my chicken, what are you doing to me
You ask how much did I have it before you
when I count it all nothing
sadness, sorrow, misery
If you are the first man
on the world, first in general
why don't you say so, my Adam