Severina - Idemo se ljubiti
Govoris mi rijeci bajne sve
a nije vrijeme za govore
na krilima noci mi se vozimo
i to mi je dovoljno Sasava je noc tako carobna
a ja bi htjela malo provoda
zagrli me sad bas smo zgodan par
svidja mi se cijela stvar U jedom trenu
sve ce proci
jer ljubav nestaje
tako si dobar ove noci Ref. 2x
Idemo se ljubiti
nemamo sto izgubitiSeverina - Idemo se ljubiti -
vjetar nosi rijeci te
sto posto zelim te Govoris mi rijeci bajne sve
a nije vrijeme za govore
na krilima noci mi se vozimo
i to mi je dovoljno Sasava je noc tako carobna
a ja bi htjela malo provoda
zagrli me sad bas smo zgodan par
svidja mi se cijela stvar U jedom trenu
sve ce proci
jer ljubav nestaje
tako si dobar ove noci Ref. Sto posto zelim te
Severina - We're going to kiss (English translation)
Your saying all of the fabulous words to me
and it's not the time to speak
we are tonight riding on wings
and that is enough for me
The night is wacky, so magical
and I would like a little entertainment
embrace me now, we are such a suitable couple
I like the whole thing
In one moment
everything will pass by
'cause the love disappears
you are so good tonight
We're going to kiss
we have nothing to loseSeverina - Idemo se ljubiti -
the wind is carrying those words
I want you 100%
The night is wacky, so magical
and I would like a little entertainment
embrace me now, we are such a suitable couple
I like the whole thing
In one moment
everything will pass by
'cause the love disappears
you are so good tonight
The night is wacky, so magical
and I would like a little entertainment
embrace me now, we are such a suitable couple
I like the whole thing
I want you 100%