Severina - Odavde do vjecnosti
Kako zivis ovih dana
mislis li sad o nama
da l' te steze bol u grudima
kada shvatis da me nema
i kad miris mog parfema
osjetis na drugim zenama Ref.
Odavde do vjecnosti
sve mi mogu uzeti
suzu necu pustitiSeverina - Odavde do vjecnosti -
ja sam s tobom, ljubavi
zeljela da ostarim
poslije tebe nista nece boljeti Kako zivis, kako spavas
da li me jos uvijek sanjas
da l' te steze bol u grudima
idu proljeca i ljeta
u mom srcu samo sjeta
svaki dan bez tebe kao pustinja Ref.
Severina - From here to eternity (English translation)
How are you living these days
do you now think of us
those the pain agon in your chest
when you realize that I'm not here
and when you smell my perfume
you feel other women
From here to eternity
it can take everything from me
I will not let my tear dropSeverina - Odavde do vjecnosti -
I wanted to with you, my love
grow old
after you nothing will hurt me
How are you living, how are you sleeping
do you still dream of me
those the pain agon in your chest
spring and summer goes by
in my heart there is just melancholy
everyday without you is like a desert