Severina - Sve sto imam, to si ti
Svaki moj dan ti obojis osmijehom
zbog toga znam da u drvo pokucam
kad pricam o tom ja govorim glasnije
i priznajem, volim kad nam zavide Ref.
Sve sto imam, to si ti
ja zbog tebe postojim
ti si njezan poput sapata
i ulazis na prstima u svaki moj san Reci ces da ponekad pretjerujemSeverina - Sve sto imam, to si ti -
kad govorim da nebi znala bez tebe
kad pricam o tom ja govorim glasnije
i priznajem, volim kad nam zavide Ref. Sve sto imam, to si ti
ja zbog tebe postojim
zelim da znas
zbog tebe ja postojim
sve sto imam, to si ti
Severina - Everything I have, that is you (English translation)
Every one of my days you colour them with your smiles
because of that I know that I am knocking in wood
when I talk about that I am talking louder
and I admit, I love it when people envy us
Everything I have, that is you
I exist because of you
you are gentle like a whisper
and you enter from fingers in every of my dreams
You sometimes say that I am exaggeratingSeverina - Sve sto imam, to si ti -
when I say that I wouldn't know without you
when I talk about that I am talking louder
and I admit, I love it when people envy us
Everything I have, that is you
I exist because of you
I want you to know
I exist because of you
everything I have, that is you