
Hello Lyrics Persian translation


Shinee - Hello

[Jonghyun] When I see myself during these times
I feel that I really am young
Even with you in front of me
I don't know what to do
[Onew] To the people who are in love
Please tell me how you started to love

[Taemin] Will the day I hold her hand ever come?
[Jonghyun] Will the day I kiss her above her closed eyes also come?

[All] Hello, hello
[Key] I brought up the courage
[All] Hello, hello
[Onew] I want to talk to you for a moment
[All] Hello, hello
[Jonghyun] I may be rushing a bit
[All] Who knows? We might
[Taemin] End up doing well

[Minho] Whether I should approach you
Or wait a little longer
[Jonghyun] With everyone saying different things
Makes it much harder ([Onew] You might not believe me)
[Key] She has higher standards than she seems
[Onew] This kind of thing is uncommon for me
Please believe what I say

[Taemin] Will the day I casually hold her come?
[Onew] I believe everything will turn out the way you think it will

[All] Hello, hello
[Jonghyun] I brought up the courage
[All] Hello, hello
[Key] I want to talk to you for a moment Shinee - Hello -
[All] Hello, hello

[Taemin] I may be rushing a bit
[All] Who knows? We might
[Jonghyun] Oh yeah
It's not my first time to be honest
I've loved and broken up before
[Onew] But it's hard, please believe these words
[Jonghyun] You are different

[All] Hello, hello
[Minho] I'll bet my all this time
[All] Hello, hello
[Key] Ooh yeah, baby baby baby girl
[All] Hello, hello
[Jonghyun] I don't know how you feel right now
[All] Who knows? We might

[All] Hello, hello
Hello, hello
[Onew] Please give me a chance
[All] Hello, hello
[Jonghyun] I don't know how you feel right now
[All] Who knows? Two of us
[Onew] Might be destiny
([Minho] Hello, the times I spent by your side
Can no more compare to any other happiness
I can't express myself to you
My heart wants all of you, never let you go
If this is love, I'll never let it go
Who knows? The two of us)

[All] Hello, hello

Persian translation

Shinee - سلام (Persian translation)

معلومه كه من واقعاً بي تجربه ام،نميدونم در برابرش چيكار كنم
لطفاًً بهم بگين چيكار كنم،كسايي كه تجربه عشق داشتين
ميشه يه روز دستاشو بگيرم؟ميشه يه روز ببوسمش در حالي كه چشماشو بسته؟
سلام،سلام من تمام شجاعتمو جمع كردم
سلام،سلام ميشه باهات حرف بزنم؟
سلام،سلام شايد بيتجربه بنظر برسم
كي فكرشو ميكرد ما يه موقع باهم باشيم؟
بايد الان بهش بگم يا يه ذره بيشتر صبر كنم؟
هركسي يه چيزي ميگه اين واقعاً سخته(شايد بالاخره بتونم يه كاري كنم)
من معيارهاي بيشتري دارم كه ممكنه ظاهر بشه،پس اين خيلي فوق العاده س بهم اعتماد كن
ميشه يه روز واقعاً بغلش كنم؟من اين جمله رو قبول دارم كه ميگه هر چي ارزو كنين براورده ميشه
سلام،سلام من تمام شجاعتمو جمع كردم
سلام،سلام ميشه باهات حرف بزنم؟
سلام،سلام شايد بيتجربه بنظر برسم
كي فكرشو ميكرد ما يه موقع باهم باشيم؟Shinee - Hello -
دفعه ي اولم نيس،در واقع قبلاً هم عشق داشتم و جدا هم شدم،ولي هنوز سخته برام،باور دارم تو فرق ميكني
سلام،سلام ايندفعه خودم انجامش ميدم
سلام،سلام دختر عزيز
سلام،سلام سخته كه الان بگم ولي
سلام،سلام اين شانسو بهم بده
سلام،سلام سخته كه الان گفته بشه ولي
كي فكر ميكرد؟ما دوتا ممكنه عاشق هم بشيم
من هميشه دستپاچه ام و زمان دستم نيس
اين عشق با چيز ديگه اي قابل مقايسه نيس
لذت بردن،ديگه نه
عشق من به تو قابل توصيف نيس
اگه دستتو بدي به من،ديگه نميذارم بري
اگه احساسات من عشقه ديگه هيچ وقت نميذارم از افكارم ناپديد بشه
كي فكرشو ميكرد،ما دوتا براي همديگه ساخته شديم

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