
Sreća Lyrics English translation


Songkillers - Sreća

Već si davno shvatila,
da sam čudna biljka ja,
da čudni putevi su moji.
I kad se otrgnem od sna,
nigdje nema nikoga,
stvari izmiču kontroli... To je moj svijet,
gdje nema pravila,
u koji ušla si kao sreća velika. Svi mi pričaju o tebi,
sve ono što se dobro zna
i ono što bi htjeli,
ali nitko s tobom znao nebi,
nitko drugi nego, samo ja,
uuuu samo ja,
moja srećo velika. Znam da možda nisam ja,Songkillers - Sreća -
ono što si tražila,
al vidim srce ti ne dvoji.
Jer uvijek kad se nađemo,
ništa nas ne zanima,
ništa drugo ne postoji. To je moj svijet,
gdje nema pravila,
u koji ušla si kao sreća velika. Svi mi pričaju o tebi,
sve ono što se dobro zna
i ono što bi htjeli,
ali nitko s tobom znao nebi,
nitko drugi nego, samo ja,
uuuu samo ja,
moja sreća velika.

English translation

Songkillers - Happiness (English translation)

You have already long ago realized,
that a strange plant I am,
that the strange paths are mine.
And when I break away from a dream,
there is no one there,
the things start to loose control.

That's my world,
where there are no rules,
in which you've entered like vast happiness.

Everyone are talking to me about you,
everything that is well known,
and what they would like,
but no one would know about you,
no one else other than, just me,
oooo just me,
my vast happiness.

I know that maybe I'm not,Songkillers - Sreća -
that what you wanted,
but I see that your heart doesn't doubt.
Because whenever we meet,
nothing interests us,
nothing else exists.

That's my world,
where there are no rules,
in which you've entered like vast happiness.

Everyone are talking to me about you,
everything that is well known,
and what they would like,
but no one would know about you,
no one else other than, just me,
oooo just me,
my vast happiness

For the song "Sreća", there are 3 versions of the english translation:

version [1]version [2]version [3]

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