
Încă o zi Lyrics English translation


Spin - Încă o zi

Viata mea alearga zi de zi
De parca ar fi un tren nebun si stiu
Nu am timp acum sa ma opresc
Si nu am timp sa mai respir dar stiu. Nu se mai vede nici o lumina
Zboara tot spre o noua zi
Linistea serii ma va opri... Inca o zi, inc-o secundaSpin - Încă o zi - http://motolyrics.com/spin/inca-o-zi-lyrics-english-translation.html
A mai trecut si iarasi nu am inteles de ce
Timpul zboara atat de repede
Inca o zi, inc-o secunda
Si noaptea se coboara iar
A mai trecut inca o zi ca o furtuna

English translation

Spin - Another day (English translation)

My life is running every day
As if it were a mad train and I know
I don't have time now to stop
And I don't have time anymore to breathe but I know.

No light can be seen anymore
Everything if flying towards a new day
The night's silence will stop me.

Another day, another secondSpin - Încă o zi - http://motolyrics.com/spin/inca-o-zi-lyrics-english-translation.html
Has passed and I didn't understand why
Time flies so fast
Another day, another second
And the night falls again
Another day has passed like a storm.

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