Stefania Rotolo - cocktail d'amore
Io vengo sempre qui in discoteca per cercare qualche cosa da amare la nazionalita'non e' cosi'importante crollo solamente se e' un boom d'amante Stai con me con me con me Io voglio un incontro felice ed osservare tutto cio' che dice Stai con me con me con me E' un cocktail d'amore con te un cocktail d'amore con chi mi puo' dare l'amore puo' farmi soffrire e farmi morire morire se vuole E' un cocktail d'amore con te un cocktail d'amore con chi mi rinfresca la mente e' tutto e' niente chissa' se e' importante o dura un istante Avere incontri e' cosi' eccitante ma le ansie son mille,son tante Stai con me con me con me E' un cocktail d'amore con te un cocktail d'amore con chi mi puo' dare l'amore puo' farmi soffrire e farmi morire morire se vuole E' un cocktail d'amore con te un cocktail d'amore con chi mi rinfresca la mente e' tutto e' niente chissa' se e' importante o dura un istanteStefania Rotolo - cocktail d'amore -
Stefania Rotolo - Cocktail of love (English translation)
I always come here to the club, to search for someone to love, the nationality isn't so important, I fall in love only if he's a boom lover. Stay with me, stay with me, I want a happy date/encounter, I want to observe everything that he says. Stay with me, stay with me. You're like a cocktail of love, a cocktail of love with the one that can give me love, that can make me suffer, even make me die if he wants to. Everything's a cocktail of love with you, a cocktail of love with the one that can freshen up my mind, it's all or nothing, who knows it may be something serious or it could last a moment. It's so exciting to have dates, but there are still so many anxieties, thousands of worries. Stay with me, stay with me.You're like a cocktail of love, a cocktail of love with the one that can give me love, that can make me suffer, even make me die if that's what he wants. Everything's a cocktail of love with you, a cocktail of love with the one that can freshen up my mind, it's all or nothing, who knows it may be something serious or it could last a moment.
Stefania Rotolo - cocktail d'amore -