Tabu - Pesek in dotik
dotik, le dotik, je povedal vse za oba, pogled le en pogled, je spremenil najin svet se še spomniš risanja po pesku? pesek naju je pokril za lahko noč prvič zvezde skupaj sva preštela pozabila na vse en dan le en dan ki v večnost je ujet poljub le en poljub je obljuba vseh obljub moj dotik začuti tvoje prste prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik usnice zardijo v barvah sreče sreče da zdaj eno sva tu stojim ponosno s teboj ti povem misli jasno na glas moj dotik začuti tvoje prste prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik usnice zardijo v barvah sreče sreče da sva zdaj midva tu stojim mirno in ponosno s teboj in čutim kaj imam ti povem vse kar čutim jasno na glas ljubim te do neba glej kako lepo zvezde plešejo spomni se na pesek in dotik prvi je korak junija takrat še spomin na pesek in poljubTabu - Pesek in dotik -
Tabu - Pesek in dotik (English translation)
touch, only touch
it told everything for both of us
look only one looks
changed our world
can you still remember drawing on the sand?
the sand covered us for good night
we counted stars for the first time
we forgot about everything
one day only one day
which is trapped into eternity
kiss only one kiss
it's a promise of all promises
my touch feels your fingers
fingers feel a golden touch of love
the lips get red into a color of happiness
happines that we're one now
here I'm standing proud with you
I tell you the thought out loud
my touch feels your fingers
fingers feel a golden touch of love
the lips get red into a color of happiness
happines that we're WE (two of us) now
here I'm standing calmful and proud with you and
I feel what I have I tell you
everything i feel, clearly out loud
I love you to the sky
look how beautiful
stars are dancing
remember on sand and touch
the first step, on that June
is still a memory on that kiss
Tabu - Pesek in dotik -