Take That - Patience
Just have a little patience
I'm still hurting from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
Any minute all the pain will stop
Just hold me close
Inside your arms tonight
Don't be too hard on my emotions
'Cause I need time
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience
I really wanna start over again
I know you wanna be my salvation
The one that I can always depend
I'll try to be strong
Believe me I'm trying to move on
It's complicated but understand meTake That - Patience - http://motolyrics.com/take-that/patience-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
'Cause I need time
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience yeah
Have a little patience yeah
'Cause the scars run so deep
It's been hard but I have to believe
Have a little patience
Have a little patience
'Cause I, I just need time
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience
Have a little patience
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience
Take That - Strpljenje (Serbian translation)
Samo imaj malo strpljenja
Još uvek bolujem od ljubavi koju sam izgubio,
Osećam tvoju frustraciju,
Da svakog minuta sav bol će prestati,
Samo me drži blizu,u svom naručju,večeras,
nemoj biti prestroga prema mojim osećanjima,
Jer treba mi vremena
Moje srce je ukočeno,nema osećanja
Pa dok još uvek zaceljujem,
Samo pokušaj i imaj malo strpljenja
Stvarno želim da počnem ispočetka,
Znam ti želiš da budeš moje spasenje,
Ona na koju uvek mogu da se pouzdam,
Pokušaću da budem jak veruj mi,
Pokušavam da nastavim dalje,
Složeno je ali me razumi.
Jer treba mi vremena
Moje srce je ukočeno,nema osećanjaTake That - Patience - http://motolyrics.com/take-that/patience-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Pa dok još uvek zaceljujem,
Samo pokušaj i imaj malo strpljenja
imaj malo strpljenja,
Jer su ožiljci tako duboki,
Bilo je teško
Ali moram da verujem.
Imaj malo strpljenja,
Imaj malo strpljenja,
Jer mi treba,samo mi treba vremena,
Moje srce je ukočeno,nema osećanja
Pa dok još uvek zaceljujem,
Samo pokušaj i imaj malo strpljenja
imaj malo strpljenja,
Moje srce je ukočeno,nema osećanja
Pa dok još uvek zaceljujem,
samo pokušaj i imaj malo...strpljenja