The Beatles - She's Leaving Home
Wednesday morning at five o'clock
as the day begins
Silently closing her bedroom door
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more
She goes downstairs to the kitchen
clutching her handkerchief
Quietly turning the back door key
Stepping outside she is free
She (we gave her most of our lives)
is leaving (sacrificed most of our lives)
home (we gave her everything money could buy)
She's leaving home after living alone for
so many years (bye bye)
Father snores as his wife gets into her dressing gown
Picks up the letter that's lying there
Standing alone at the top of the stairs
She breaks down and cries to her husband
Daddy our baby's gone The Beatles - She's Leaving Home -
Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly
How could she do this to me
She (We never thought of ourselves)
is leaving (never a thought for ourselves)
home (we struggled hard all our lives to get by)
She's leaving home after living alone for
so many years (bye bye)
Friday morning at nine o'clock she is far away
Waiting to keep the appointment she made
Meeting a man from the motor trade
She (what did we do that was wrong)
is having (we didn't know it was wrong)
fun (fun is the one thing that money can't buy)
Something inside that was always denied for
so many years (bye bye)
She's leaving home (bye bye)
The Beatles - Ona napusta dom (Serbian translation)
Sreda ujutru u pet sati
Dok dan pocinje
Tiho zatvarajuci vrata njene spavace sobe
Ostavljajuci poruku,nadajuci se da ce ona reci vise
Ona silazi,dole,u kuhinju
Drzeci svoju maramicu
Tiho okrece kljuc od zadnjih vrata
Korak napred,ona je slobodna
Ona (Dali smo joj vecinu nasih zivota)
Napusta (Zrtvovali vecinu zivota)
Dom (Dali smo joj sve sto novac moze kupiti)
Napusta dom,zivela je sama (zbogom,zbogom)
Toliko godina
Otac hrce dok se zena oblaci u haljinu
Podize pismo koje lezi tamo
Stoji sama na vrhu stepenista
Ona se slama i vice muzuThe Beatles - She's Leaving Home -
"Tata,nasa beba je otisla"
Zasto nas je tretirala tako nepromisljeno
Kako je mogla ovo da mi uradi?
Ona (Nikada nismo pomislili na nas)
Napusta (Nikada nismo pomislili na nas)
Dom (Borili smo se citav zivot da se snadjemo)
Napusta dom nakon sto je zivela sama (zbogom,zbogom)
Toliko godina...
Petak ujutru u devet sati
Ona je daleko
Cekajuci sastanak
Sa momkom,prodavcem motora
Ona (Sta smo uradili pogresno?)
Se (Nismo znali da je bilo pogresno)
Zabavlja (Zabava je jednina stvar koju novac ne moze kupiti)
Nesto u nama je to uvek poricalo (Zbogom,zbogom)
Toliko godina
Ona napusta dom