The Misfits
The Misfits

Hybrid Moments Lyrics Serbian translation


The Misfits - Hybrid Moments

If you're gonna scream, scream with me
Moments like this never last
When do creatures rape your face
Hybrids opened up the door Ooh baby when you cry
Your face is momentary
You hide your looks behind these scars
In hybrid momentsThe Misfits - Hybrid Moments -
Give me a moment Give me a moment
Give me a moment Ooh baby when you cry
Your face is momentary
You hide your looks behind these scars In hybrid moments
In hybrid moments In hybrid moments
In hybrid moments Give me a moment
Give me a moment

Serbian translation

The Misfits - Hibridni Trenutci (Serbian translation)

Ako ćeš vrištati,vrišti sa mnom
Trenutci kao ovaj nikada ne prolaze
Kada stvorenja siluju tvoje lice
Hibridi otvaraju vrata

Ooh bejbi kada plačeš
To je samo prolazno
Sakrivaš svoj izgled iza ovih ožiljaka
U hibridnim trenutcimaThe Misfits - Hybrid Moments -
Daj mi malo vremena

Daj mi malo vremena
Daj mi malo vremena

Ooh bejbi kada plačeš
To je samo prolazno
Sakrivaš svoj izgled iza ovih ožiljaka

U hibridnim trenutcima
U hibridnim trenutcima

U hibridnim trenutcima
U hibridnim trenutcima

Daj mi malo vremena
Daj mi malo vremena

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