The Secret Service
The Secret Service

The Way You Are Lyrics Bosnian translation


The Secret Service - The Way You Are

You take me high above the blue,
You're by my side whenever I need you,
The way you smile, the way you move,
Why should I try I can't get over you... All through the night you take me on,
When we unite I know where I belong,
When winter rains -I'll be your friend,
What we create may last until the end And through the time that's passing by,
I hope you'll always be, you'll be forever:The Secret Service - The Way You Are -
The way you are, the way you are... Where mountains rise I'll stand by you,
My heart's assigned like only lovers do,
If we're apart I'll cross the sea,
Don't close your heart -this love was always free And through the time that's passing by,
I hope you'll always be, you'll be forever:
The way you are, the way you are... And if you leave don't go too far,
In your beliefs just be the way you are,
The way you are, the way you are...

Bosnian translation

The Secret Service - Baš Takav Kakav Jesi (Bosnian translation)

Ti me izdižeš visoko iznad tuge,
Na mojoj si strani kada god si mi trebaš,
Način na koji se smiješ, kako se krećeš,
Zašto bih i probao -ne mogu da te prebolim...

Tokom cijele noći ti me provociras,
Kada smo zajedno -znam gdje pripadam,
Kada zimi kiši -bit ću tvoj prijatelj,
To što smo stvorili trebaće da traje to svršetka...

I kroz vrijeme koje prolazi,
Nadam se da ćeš uvjek biti, da ćeš zauvjek bitiThe Secret Service - The Way You Are -
Baš takva kakva jesi, baš takva kakva jesi...

Gde se planine uzdižu, bit ći uz tebe,
Moje srce ti je dodeljeno na način kakvog samo ljubavnici poznaju
Ako smo razdvojeni -prijeći ću i mora,
Ne zatvaraj srce svoje -ova ljubav je uvjek bila besplatna

I kroz vreme koje prolazi,
Nadam se da ćeš ujvek biti, da ćeš zaujvek biti
Baš takva kakva jesi, baš takva kakva jesi...

I ako odeš, ne idi predaleko,
U svojim ubeđenjima ostani baš takva kakva jesi,
Takva kakva jesi, takva kakva jesi

Uzgred, hvala ikome ko je, ako je, pročitao ovo

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