Tokio Hotel - Der Letzte Tag
And now we're here again
Up on your roof so high
The whole world can just go to hell
For all I care tonight
I can feel the end is near
It all has come as we had feared
And if our final day has come
Let's pretend to carry on
And if the end has now begun
Live on, live on
I just can't believe the day has come
When all the clocks stand still
The horizon seems to disappear
And all our dreams are unfulfilled
I can feel the end is near
It all has come as we had feared
And if our final day has come
Let's pretend to carry on
And if the end has now begun
Live on, live on
Tokio Hotel - Der Letzte Tag -
This is our final day, this is our final day
This is the final thunder
Up on your roof so high
Let's stay and wait for the morning
Even if it's not in sight
Has our ending just begun?
Don't care, pretend to carry on
And if our final day has come
Let's pretend to carry on
And if the end has now begun
Live on, live on
And if our final day has come
Let's pretend to carry on
And if we stay we'll always
Live on, live on
This is the final thunder
Up on your roof so high
Let's stay and wait for the morning
Live on, live on
This is our final day
Tokio Hotel - Zadnji dan (Slovene translation)
Sedaj smo ponovno tukaj, pri tebi na strehi
Cel svet pod nami
Lahko zaradi mene potone danes ponoči
Smo zadnjič skupaj?
Saj se je šele komaj začelo
Če je ta dan zadnji,
Mi prosim ne povej
Če je to konec za nas
Ne reči nič - še ne
Je to že dan potem, ko vse ure stojijo?
Ko na horizontu konec je
In vse sanje spat gredo
Smo zadnjič skupaj?
Saj se je šele komaj začelo
Če je ta dan zadnji,
Mi prosim ne povej
Če je to konec za nas
Ne reči nič - še ne
To je zadnji dan, to je zadnji dan,Tokio Hotel - Der Letzte Tag -
Je to zadnji dež pri tebi na strehi?
Je to zadnji blagoslov in naša zadnja noč ?
Se je naš konec začel?
Vseeno - smo le še skupaj
Če je ta dan zadnji,
Mi prosim ne povej
Če je to konec za nas
Ne reči nič
Če je ta dan zadnji,
Mi prosim ne povej
In če to konec je za nas
In če ostaneš jaz umrem
Ne še - ne še
Je to zadnji dež na tvoji strehi?
Je to zadnji blagoslov?
Ne reči nič - ne še
…to je zadnji dan