Toma Zdravković - Sliku tvoju ljubim
Stalno gledam tvoju sliku
a grudi mi vatrom gore
tvoje usne nasmejane
samo sto ne progovore Ref.
Sliku tvoju ljubim, sapcem tvoje ime
vetar nosi reci ne zaboravi me Da mi nije slike tvojeToma Zdravković - Sliku tvoju ljubim -
tuga bi mi bila veca
ti si mene opcinila
i zauvek osvojila Ref. Odavno mi ti ne pises
sto te nema da se javis
o ljubavi najmilija
nemoj da me zaboravis Ref.
Toma Zdravković - I kiss your picture (English translation)
I am looking at your picture all the time,
And my chest is in fire,
Your smiling lips look as if
They're just about to talk to me.
I kiss your picture, I whisper your name,
Wind carries the words - don't forget me.
I kiss your picture, I whisper your name,
Wind carries the words - don't forget me.
If I didn't have your pictureToma Zdravković - Sliku tvoju ljubim -
My sorrow would be greater.
You have enchanted me,
And captured me forever.
You don't write since long,
Why don't you call?
Oh, my dearest love,
Don't forget me.