Tony Cetinski - Hodam
Još je sanjam ja
Dok razliva se dan
Ko ulje na platnu Pa izađem iz toga sna
A u ogledalu
Neki drugi ja Što je imo svijet na dlanu
Cijeli svemir zvijezde sve
Dok je ona bila ovdje
Dok se budio kraj nje Refren
Hodam Zagrebom
Psujem život krut
Bože daj mi još
Jednom sa njom ukrižaj putTony Cetinski - Hodam -
Hodam gradom tim
Psujem oblake
I tako prolazi još jedan dan bez nje Još jedan dan
Još jedan dan
Bez nje Svi mi govore
Ma sve su one iste
Jedna na drugu Kažem dobro da
Jedna na drugu
Al ni jedna na nju A vjetar gnjavi iznad trga
Jesen baca ordenje
Ljubav zadnja ljubav prva
Ona mi je bila sve
Tony Cetinski - I walk (English translation)
I still dream about her
while the day spreads
like oil on canvas
I leave this dream
but see in the mirror
another me
Who had the world in the palm on his hand
The whole universe and all the stars
While she was here
While he woke up next to her
- chorus -
I walk through Zagreb
I curse the harsh life
God, please give me the chance
to cross my path with hers once moreTony Cetinski - Hodam -
I walk this city
I curse the clouds
And so another day without her goes by
Another day
Another day
Without her
Everyone tells me
"They're all the same
each one like the other"
I say "good, yes,
one is like the other,
but none is like her"
And the wind is tormenting above the square
The autumn is throwing about medals
Last love, first love,
she was everything to me