Tony Cetinski - Kad Bi Dao Bog
Minutu pred kraj za naš oproštaj
ja priznat ću grijeh ko slamku za spas
i past ću na dno, zaslužujem to
da sudiš mi ti Da nam Bog noćas da
ljubav kao zadnju priliku
rađe nego svijet uzeo bi njuTony Cetinski - Kad Bi Dao Bog -
i ne bi nitko kao ja
tvoju ljubav tako čuvao
nju sam imao pa izgubio I stid me, i strah što ostat ću ziv
ne postoji riječ koliko sam kriv
i spreman je stol
da večeram bol odeš li ti
Tony Cetinski - if God would give (English translation)
One minute before the end, for our forgivness
I will admitt my sin as a straw rescue
and I will fall to the bottom, i deserve
you to be my judge
If God would give us tonight
love as an ultimate chance
rather then the world i woud take it.Tony Cetinski - Kad Bi Dao Bog -
And no one would
guard it as much as I.
I had it once, and I lost it.
And I'm frightened to stay alive, there's so much shame
There isn't word to describe all of my blame.
and the table is ready
I will eat my pain steady, if you leave