Tose Proeski - Jas ne sum vinoven
Често мојот поглед лета
Преку туѓи рамена до тебе
Нога преку нога седиш
И не погледнуваш во мене Илјада лица и ти
Сонце во ноќ меѓу нив
Бегајќи цел живот
Ко за инат сѐ ме навраќа на тебе Јас сум само патник којшто
Нема ништо свое освен себе
Можам да прифатам сѐ
Толку сум слаб на тебе рефрен':Tose Proeski - Jas ne sum vinoven -
Јас не сум виновен
Ти ми требаш како добар ден
И после сѐ да сме сами под ѕвездите
На чекор од тебе а никако до тебе
Јас не сум виновен што ти си ми сѐ Често мојот поглед лета
Преку туѓи рамена до тебе
Нога преку нога седиш
И не погледнуваш во мене
Можам да прифатам сѐ
Толку сум слаб на тебе
Tose Proeski - It's not my fault (I'm not guilty) (English translation)
Often my glance flies (reaches)
across other's shoulders to you
You sit (with your) leg across (your other) leg
and you are not looking at me
Thousand faces and you (are)
(as) sun within night between them
(I've been) running all my life
(and) as some defiance everything brings me back to you
I'm as some traveler that
doesn't have anything of his own except himself
I can accept everything
(because) I'm so weak on you
It's not my fault
(that) I need you like a good morning
and after all to be together with you under the starsTose Proeski - Jas ne sum vinoven -
Just on a step from you, yet never close to you
It's not my fault that you mean everything to me
Often my glance flies (reaches)
across other's shoulders to you
You sit (with your) leg across (your other) leg
and you are not looking at me
I can accept everything
(because) I'm so weak on you
It's not my fault
(that) I need you like a good morning
and after all to be together with you under the stars
just on a step from you, yet never close to you
It's not my fault that you mean everything to me